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2022-2023 Board of Directors

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Giancarlo Diago Cevallos



'Giancarlo is an amateur by heart. Proud to wear the title too, whether as a student or musician or in literature. He loves animals and loves the ocean and sweets. In his free time he enjoys a good book. Even writes them too.

GDC lives in Miami and is currently President of the South Florida Writer's Association.'


The President will — a.Preside at all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors. b.Fill by appointment any officer and director vacancy, such appointee to be approved by the Board, and to remain in the office until the next regular election. c.Serve, as necessary, as ex-officio member of all committees.


Cynthia Uzzolino

The Vice President will: a.Assume all duties of the president in their absence or disability. b.Other activities as necessary and appropriate. c.Maintain the Associations archives.


Swati Bagga


The Secretary will — a.Record and transcribe minutes of all Board of Directors meetings, annual meeting, any special meeting duly called, or other meetings, as requested by the President. b. Perform secretarial duties as requested by the President.


Evelyn Benson


The Treasurer will — a.Maintain the account(s) for all funds, receipts, and disbursements for the Association. b.Be the custodian of Association funds, which must be deposited in a bank, or banks, approved by the Board of Directors. c.Present a Treasurer’s Report, in writing, as to the financial condition of the Association at each meeting of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer’s report, or a summary thereof, may be published in the monthly newsletter, and/or presented at the monthly meeting. d.Pay all bills received and check reimbursement of expenses as required in conducting the activities of the Association. e.Prepare and file financial and/or collateral reports required for licenses, registration, state/local and Federal Tax returns, as necessary to maintain its 501©3 IRS tax exempt status and other legal business status. f. Participate in planning and coordination of fund-raising activities by a Director-at-Large.


Ricki Dorn


The Director will: a.Establish conference date and theme. b.Find a venue (table décor and electronics, map for conference crew, signs, parking). c.Contact speakers from in and outside SFWA. Request a photo and bio. d.Recruit conference crew and lists their duties. e.Engage a photographer, musician, and caterer. f.Direct and manage all volunteers in reservations, and tuition of workshops. g.Solicit donations from community businesses. h.Maintain a list of enrollees. i.Manage program covers, schedules, photos, bios, tributes, donors. j.Manage budget and expenses incurred, submits receipts to the treasurer. k.Advertise event widely on social media.

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Director-Public Relations

Amy is a former NYC luxury public relations and communications director turned self-employed stay at home mom and a relatively new Miamian transplant originally from New Jersey. She is super proud of her first self-published “mini-book” Advocate (2022) about how parents can trust themselves to medically advocate for their children in a world that makes us doubt ourselves around every turn. Passionate about holistic health and spiritual healing, she currently blogs/podcasts about revelations and themes around self-identity and self-love through a Chironic lens (Chiron, in astrology- our deepest wound and greatest gift). She is in the process of writing a book & screenplay based around these same self-knowledge themes, and discovered the SFWA after researching writing groups in the South Miami area to cultivate support, education and community around her writing practice.  She is excited and honored to be a part of the SFWA and looks forward to helping this wonderful organization gain additional much-deserved publicity!   



The Director of Public Relations will — a.Promote SFWA via press releases, newspapers, radio, social media, and other broadcast modes about regular meetings, installations, workshops, conferences, and other activities within SFWA.   b.Serve as liaison between SFWA, and other appropriate community media organizations in collaboration to promote each other in the community. c.Pursue and help implement activities to increase membership benefits through community involvement relevant to their writing careers. Additional Projects to be assigned.



The Director- Membership will — a.Plan and coordinate membership recruiting and retention efforts. b.Recommend members for nominating committee. c.Maintain mailing list of Association members and others needing or desiring information regarding the Association. e. Chair Membership Committee.


Don Daniels

Director - Publications



The Director will: a.Serve as or appoint Editor of Association newsletter. b.Oversee other Association publications. c.Appoint an Assistant Editor and newsletter staff, as needed.


Connie Goodman-Milone

Director-Community Relations

The Director will: a.Promote networking of Association within membership, and with activities in the greater literary community. b.Organize and participate in the Junior Orange Bowl creative writing contest. c.Oversee public relations for the writer’s conference for the Association. d.Participate in planning and coordination of fund-raising activities by a Director-at-Large e.Coordinate other community relations matters


Don Daniels


a.Maintain the Association Website, as necessary. b.Post information on the website and update information, as appropriate. c.Oversee other activities related to the Internet.

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Jeff Dorn








The Director- Writers Contest will — a.Oversee Association’s writers contest and all activities related to the contest. b.Prepare budget


Jonathan Rose

Director of Programs


The Directors at Large will — Each Director-at-Large will perform duties or activities as decided by the President. For example: a.Coordinate critique groups and workshops. b.Organize writers conference. c.Plan and coordinate fund raising activities. d.Other activities as necessary and appropriate.

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Neil Crabtree



The Directors at Large will — Each Director-at-Large will perform duties or activities as decided by the President. For example: a.Coordinate critique groups and workshops. b.Organize writers conference. c.Plan and coordinate fund raising activities. d.Other activities as necessary and appropriate.


Ricki Dorn

The Directors at Large will — Each Director-at-Large will perform duties or activities as decided by the President. For example: a.Coordinate critique groups and workshops. b.Organize writers conference. c.Plan and coordinate fund raising activities. d.Other activities as necessary and appropriate.

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Seth Bramson






The Directors at Large will — Each Director-at-Large will perform duties or activities as decided by the President. For example: a.Coordinate critique groups and workshops. b.Organize writers conference. c.Plan and coordinate fund raising activities. d.Other activities as necessary and appropriate.

For our next monthly meeting,

we will be back at Pinecrest Library.

 Saturday, Apr. 5, 2025
10:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.
5835 S.W. 111th Street

Pinecrest, FL


Too far? Can't get there? Join us on Zoom:

Free and open to the public.​

Light refreshments will be served.




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© 2022 by the South Florida Writers Association, a 501 (c) 3, non-profit organization. 

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