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2025 Mango Writers Conference
Dear Members and Non-members Alike,

Our 2025 Mango Writers Conference will be held on

Saturday, February 22, 2025

From 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

at the

94th Aero Squadron Restaurant,

1395 NW 57th Avenue, Miami, 33126


Writing From the Earth to the Moon!


Be there with us.


Presenters: â€‹â€‹

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What Makes A Contract Good or Bad?

Damodar "Dar" Airan  is a practicing attorney in Miami, Florida for more than 41 years. Before becoming an attorney, he was a Professional Engineer with a PhD in Civil / Environmental engineering. Dar is particularly proud of a case where he reported a corrupt public official to State Attorney’s office and cooperated with prosecutors leading to a conviction. That case led to a constitutional amendment to Florida Law and is still the leading case in the area of solicitation and bribery in Florida.

Dar has published a number of professional, legal, civic and writing related articles. He has received many honors and awards from local, state and national organizations. He has been a member of the South Florida Writers Association since 1997, now a Life Member, and served as its President for 2 years.


 Over the years, Dar Airan’s law practice has focused on contract law, including litigation matters. He has been involved in preparing, reviewing, negotiating and closing under different types of contracts. He has also litigated many breach of contract matters. He has been a speaker at a number of meetings and conferences on different subjects. Dar has helped a number of writers in negotiating publishing contracts, including his own.


Dar is married to Lalita, his wife of 54 years, and they have two daughters, and four grandchildren

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Anita Mitchell:

I collect people stories much the same way people collect shoes or baseball cards or Lladro porcelain figurines. During my 26 years at WSVN7, I had a front row seat to people stories and it was there I learned about the extraordinariness of the ordinary ..and the ordinariness of the extraordinary.  

Since retiring  from television news, I serve on the Board of Directors of Different Brains, a charitable foundation that supports neurodiverse adults. I also serve on the Board of Directors of the Broward County Sports Hall of Fame. We honor local residents who have set unique standards of excellence through sports

I have a Communications/English BA from Michigan State University and was part of the Journalism masters program at Florida International University. I have one son, Randy Wagenheim, who lives in Tokyo, Japan.

Since 2004, I have swum competitively  with our local Swim Fort Lauderdale Masters Swim Team (SFTL). I have a box full of ribbons and medals from swim meets. In both 2013 and 2017 I was a Team USA member of the Maccabi Games in Netanyahu, Israel

I don’t know how the writing and the swimming, the neurodiversity’s and honoring local sports figures are connected but I know in my heart that they are.”

God Took My Arms,
But He Gave Me This Gift

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David Rolland is a longtime local journalist covering music for Miami New Times, PureHoney Magazine, and The Atlantic Current. His novels The End of the Century and Yo-Yo are published by Jitney Books. He also wrote the screenplay for the children's movie, Finding Rin Tin Tin.


DAVID ROLLAND is also SFWA's Authors Showcase Series Coordinator & Host. He will conduct the interview of SFWA members featured in future showcase programs. David is a freelance journalist, filmmaker, and author of the novels Yo-Yo & The End of the Century. If you’re interested in participating, please contact The Authors Showcase Series – A Virtual Experience is one of several membership benefits of SFWA. The program provides a platform for members to discuss their books on YouTube and develop an audience for literary works. In addition to the video for marketing, the participating member also gets publicity and various promotional support from volunteers of the association by print, email and social media tools.


David lives in Miami Beach with his wife and daughter.

The Life Of A Writer

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Holly Iglesias’ work includes three books of poetry—Sleeping Things (Press 53), Angles of

Approach (White Pines Press), and Souvenirs of a Shrunken World (Kore Press, first book

award)—a critical work, Boxing Inside the Box:

Women s Prose Poetry, and two collaborative

chapbooks, Myth America and How to Get Into Trouble (both from Anhinga Press). She is the

recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the North Carolina Arts

Council, the Edward Albee Foundation, and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.


1. The learning experience. My first book was a learning experience as a new writer starting later in life. Researching the Fair (the largest ever held) was overwhelming because of its size and scope. I also was just learning that intimate details make a bigger impression in poems than big abstract ideas or emotions not grounded in the senses.

2. The world on display, a university of the common man. The ideas that undergirded the fair seduced everybody—organizers, investors, attenders, workers, politicians, even the indigenous peoples brought as part of an ethnological zoo. So many players. I watched the project grow cumbersome, awkward, too intellectual at the expense of artistic expression. (I am a historian first, a poet second.

3. The personal connection: All of my grandparents attended the Fair as teenagers, new Americans in an era of huge waves of immigration as well as heightened anti-immigrant prejudice. Part of the Fair’s agenda was to educate and model what an American looks like and America’s place in the world as a new imperialist power. But to young people it was just one wonder after the next, traveling around the world in a single day, observing inventions and entertainments few had ever seen. In my 50s as I wrote the poems, feeling the memory of my grandparents-as-children, remembering my own feelings as a child when they told me about their days at the Fair—this changed everything. It vaulted my perspective beyond my greatest expectations.

4. The personal translated into the poetic. Thinking particularly of my paternal grandmother, who lived to be 101, who was 12 at the time of the Fair, I began to sense the Fair in my body and spirit, feel it acting upon me as though I too had been a spectator of such wonders. This change of perspective helped me find my voice as a poet by writing persona poems and to find my form by shaping them as prose poems, which are visual analogs of postcards and snapshots, both items of great significance to Fairgoers. Also, because the Fair was remembered through souvenir mementos bought on the fairgrounds, the manuscript became inhabited by trinkets and knick-knacks stashed in the back of dresser drawers for years and years. It became tactile and real and grounded in the world of the senses.

5. Conclusion: This journey from historian to poet carried me “from the ground up to the moon.” I had thought that, as a scholar, my perspective was broad, but when I began to translate intellectual content based on research into persona prose poems voiced by people at the Fair, my perspective expanded considerably. The creative journey had made my perspective not only broad but deep


And the Sea Of Tranquility Panel


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Florida's Jewish short-story writer, speaker, film producer, and retired attorney. Mort is the co-editor of "Sea Of Tranquility---A Literary Anthology." The book is scheduled to land on the Moon in November of 2025 as part of the Lunar Codex Project. The Earthbound editions are now on sale on Amazon. He has also authored, "A Hebraic Obsession", "The Hanukkah Bunny" and "The Greatest Gift." Mort has produced an award-winning short film entitled, "The Stairs". The movie can be viewed for free online. ChatGPT says, "Mort is known for his works that often explore themes of love, loss, and the human connection. Laitner has published several books, including “A Hebraic Obsession.” His writing style is characterized by its emotional depth and introspection. Laitner’s works have garnered praise for their heartfelt expression and keen insight into the human experience." Mort was the president of the South Florida Writers Association and a correspondent for the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel Jewish Journal.

Howard Camner is the author of 25 books including the Pulitzer Prize-nominated "Poems from the Mud Room". Nominated for Poet Laureate of Florida in 1980, was named "Best Poet in Miami" in the New Times "Best of Miami" edition of 2007. A founding member of New York's renowned poetry troupes "The Literary Outlaws" and "The West End Poetry Troupe". Received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award for Literary Arts and inducted into the MDC Hall of Fame for Literary Arts.

Camner's major works are housed in Boston's Emerson Archive. He has 16 works included in the Lunar Codex and is co-editor of "Sea of Tranquility - a Literary Anthology".

Neil Crabtree lives and writes in Miami, Florida. His story collection, Believable Lies, is available now. Stories from the collection have appeared at Verb sap, Bewildering Stories Denver Syntax and American Fiction Vol.11. Start off with romance, drugs and rock’n’roll, move into violence and crime, end up in a timely science fiction, where Social Security is replaced by the Early Termination program for seniors. And there’s a couple of off-beat love stories along the way

Monica DeZulueta, Ph.D. is an author of techno-thrillers which feature women engineers and scientists.  After a long career as an engineer working at NASA, NOAA, Microsoft and Coulter, she pursued her dream of becoming a novelist.  Monica found writing to be a creative outlet to her engineering and academic work.  Monica is profiled in two books, Latinnovating and Steam Powered Girls.

Other Conference Activities:


A panel will discuss the Sea Of Tranquility anthology, and its historic journey from the minds of our members to the surface of the moon. 

There will alsio be ample "table time" for networking, brainstorming and generating feedback from other attendees;

Raffles for Prizes;

Q & A with Presenters


Prices: Members: $65.00
Non-Members: $75.00

Student Rate: $50.00

Best Deal! Combo Conference

+ 16 month membership: $140


Breakfast and Lunch included!

You can register here on the site at our payments page.

Registration Deadline has been extended!

We don't want you to miss this!

If you have any questions, please Contact  Ricki Dorn

For our next monthly meeting,

we will be back at Pinecrest Library.

 Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025
10:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.
5835 S.W. 111th Street

Pinecrest, FL


Too far? Can't get there? Join us on Zoom:

Free and open to the public.​

Light refreshments will be served.




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© 2022 by the South Florida Writers Association, a 501 (c) 3, non-profit organization. 

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